Friday, March 22, 2013

Electronic Voice Phenomena

EVP or Electronic Voice Phenomena. In the good old days people went to fortune tellers and mediums to talk to their dead loved ones. Today we use a different approach. What if instead of mediums and fortune tellers the dead could talk to us directly? Well they can with the use of recorders,digital and analog devices that record voices.  Electronic voice phenomena - or EVP - is a mysterious event in which human-sounding voices from an unknown source are heard on recording tape, in radio station noise and other electronic media. Most often, EVPs have been captured on audiotape. The mysterious voices are not heard at the time of recording; it is only when the tape is played back that the voices are heard. Sometimes amplification and noise filtering is required to hear the voices.
Some EVP is more easily heard and understood than others. And they vary in gender (men and women), age (women and children), tone and emotion. They usually speak in single-words, phrases and short sentences. Sometimes they are just grunts, groans, growling and other vocal noises. EVP has been recorded speaking in various languages.
The quality of EVP also varies. Some are difficult to distinguish and are open to interpretation as to what they are saying. Some EVP, however, are quite clear and easy to understand. EVP often has an electronic or mechanical character to it; sometimes it is natural sounding. The quality of EVP is categorized by researchers:Class A: Easily understood by almost anyone with little or no dispute. These are also usually the loudest EVPs.Class B: Usually characterized by warping of the voice in certain syllables. Lower in volume or more distant sounding than Class A. Class B is the most common type of EVP.Class C: Characterized by excessive warping. They are the lowest in volume (often whispering) and are the hardest to understand.The most fascinating aspect of EVP is that the voices sometimes respond directly to the persons making the recording. The researchers will ask a question, for example, and the voice will answer or comment. Again, this response is not heard until later when the tape is played back.An EVP Session is done by turning on your recorder in an area of known activity and asking questions. If you know the name of the spirit who is said to be haunting the area you can ask questions of that spirit. When asking  questions always allow a few seconds between each one to give the spirit time to answer.Hope this is helpful to some.

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